Child legal advocates

Child advocate legal officers are employed by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) to complement the work of Community visitors (CVs). Child advocate legal officers protect the rights of children in the child protection system, and give them a voice in legal matters.

A child advocate legal officer can:

  • apply on behalf of the child or young person to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) or court regarding changes to a placement, contact decisions, or changes to a child protection order
  • ensure children and young people have access to information, and that their views are heard and taken into consideration when decisions are made that affect their care arrangements (for example, reviewable decisions about placement and contact, court or QCAT hearings)
  • provide advice about court events, such as court ordered conferences, and assisting children and young people to participate
  • assist children and young people to seek direct legal representation or advocate for the tribunal or court to consider the appointment of a separate representative if appropriate
  • respond to the revocation or variation of an order made under the Child Protection Act 1999
  • help a child or young person to initiate, or initiating on a child or young person’s behalf, an application to QCAT
  • support a child or young person at proceedings before a court or QCAT
  • assist children and young people to review other government administrative decisions, such as suspensions and exclusions from school.

This includes the ability to make submissions, call witnesses and test evidence.

If a child or young person in your care needs help with a legal issue, their CV will generally arrange for a child advocate legal officer to talk with them. However the child or young person can also contact OPG directly to speak with a child advocate legal officer, or they can ask you to call OPG on their behalf.

For more information about child advocates, call the OPG on 1800 661 533 or (07) 3225 8325.